Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Consultation

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is a medical specality that has remained stagnant in the American medical system for the past 40 years. It is woefully underused. While other countries utilize hyperbaric oxygen therapy to treat more than 80 medical conditions, the Food & Drug Administration has only approved HBOT for the treatment of 15 medical conditions in the United States. Treating these other 65 conditions in the U.S. is considered “off-label,” which does not mean “off limits”.

Why is working with a Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy consultant important?

woman doctor working on medical equipmentJust as prescribing drugs for off-label use is a very common practice among those with experience and/or extra training, so are hyperbaric oxygen therapy’s off-label treatments. Unfortunately, most hyperbaric trained providers in the US are not versed in off-label treatments. Also, quality training in this area has been difficult to find. Too much of a drug can be harmful, and too little provides sub-therapeutic treatment and suboptimal results to the patient. Therefore, it is critical to find partners, like WAM Medical, who have this experience.

As many practices and health systems become aware of the scientifically proven benefits HBOT offers to patients in virtually every specialty, they’re attempting to navigate a myriad of information and sales pitches they encounter. The result is that some may invest in equipment that will not appropriately deliver the drug or the doses needed to treat patients in accordance with the scientific parameters. Too much is not a good thing and too little provides sub-theraputic treatment and suboptimal results.

In other words, don’t take risks with your patients!

Why choose WAM Medical?

If you’re thinking about including HBOT into your health system and want it done safely to improve patient outcomes, trust WAM Medical’s authoritative, real-world experience and expertise. We can guide the entire process – from initial inquiry, design, construction, training, implementation and finally facility launch. It’s virtually a turn-key solution.

Avoid costly mistakes and potential harm to your patients. WAM Medical’s expert hyperbaric oxygen therapy consultation can relieve the pressure of making a bad decisions related to HBOT. The rest of your organization is up to you!

Set up a consultation with us now!